Wish more CPGer work more than 5 years here. With grateful minds, let's sail at the same ship and gain more achievements in future.
Monthly Financial Report
The project for continuous improving CPG's product quality
Mr Cui, the representative of CPG's stockholders, sort out medals and congratulate the FIVE CPGer who've worked more than FIVE years at CPG.
No 004 CPGer, smile so happliy!
No 005 CPGer, receive her medal.
No 006 CPGer, receive her medal.
The award is too heavy to carry!
No 007 CPGer happily receive her medal.
No 001 CPGer is joyfully giving award to himself!
All other awarded CPGers are giving award to Mr Cui.
With grateful minds, let's sail at the same ship to work together. And sincerely wish more CPGer to work more than FIVE years here!